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Building and trading company, Podchýšská 12, Praha 4 - Cholupice, 143 00, Czech Republic

  • Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic: modernization of ATC units in the Technical Unit building at Prague - Ruzyně Airport, a complete provision of structure including design and interior equipment

  • Air Navigation Services of the Army of the Czech Republic: modernization of the Military Area Control Centre in the Technical Unit building at Prague - Ruzyně Airport, a complete provision of structure including design and interior equipment

  • Air Navigation Services of the Army of the Czech Republic: military training centre at Prague - Ruzyně, design and provision of the interior

  • Prague - Kbely airbase: Aerodrome Air Traffic Services Unit, design and provision

  • Prague - Kbely airbase: a preflight information service unit and air traffic services reporting office, offices for airbase command and a passenger lounge (areas for clearance and disembarkation of passengers including VIP) - design of interior equipment

  • reconstruction of a healt centre at Prague - Butovice designed for CUMBER, a Czech Israeli company

  • building up three luxury attic flats at Prague 7 -Holešovice

  • building up new family houses at Prague - Nebušice

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